74 Mills & Boom

Mills _ Boom-74 copy 2What was your proudest roller derby moment?
3 stand out: getting handslaps from the team in the first practice after passing min skills; my first game with the Hinnies against Norfolk Brawds, and my first game in the USA with the Belters, against Omaha.

How did you first discover roller derby / what convinced you to join?
Mennis from Rainy City Roller Derby is an old friend, and after she started skating she told me I should too, that I’d love it. She was right.

Favourite player to watch / learn from?
Small fast jammers like Loren Mutch and Shortstop.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get involved with their local team?
Go for it, obviously, and also give yourself a headstart by hitting the gym – it’ll make life a lot easier!

What other sports / training do you do when you’re not on eight wheels?
I cycle, play football, and lift weights.

The Canny Belters
Toon Raiders